At the Junction we turned right onto the Peak Forest Canal and headed for Whaley Bridge. BW have really got to get the mooring situation sorted out here, nearly all the mooring is for long term license holders only with room for two or three visitor moorings which have collapsed into the cut and can't be used, and there are no visitor moorings near Tesco. WHY?
So for us it was wind at the end and come straight out again. Over to Bugsworth Basin, then. Plenty of mooring here, pick your spot. This place is amazing, they were absolutely right to restore this area. It's all about lime shipment and limestone quarrying and kilns. I won't spoil it by saying any more, you'll need to discover it for yourself, and there's no substitute for actually being here. The only thing that knocks the edge off it a little is the close proximity of the main road.
The weather has been pretty windy today with a little rain, but it hasn't made things difficult manoeuvring TQ as most places seem to be sheltered. We're taking a beating in the Basin, though as the wind seems to come in gusts.
We patronised the Navigation Inn (as it would be rude not to) and we both had steak with all the trimings. It was all rather yummy.
Todays pix:-
Approaching Disley
Rail viaduct in the distance
Pretty cottages at Furness Vale
Whoops! I cut off its finger tip
In Bugsworth Basin
More tomorrow...