Well, that's it, the garage people tell me the parts won't arrive until at least Thursday, so it'll be at least Friday before we can get get away. That's nearly a week out of our holiday, but not only that, it means parts are becoming scarce for my ageing Vauxhall Omega. That worries me because the car is is in excellent condition for its age, and I don't want to change it. I've owned it for nearly thirteen years and there isn't much on the market to equal it or even come near. But if spare parts are going to be hard to come by then I might have to bite the bullet.
So, plan B, (to be made up as we go along), we'll take the Polo instead. Tomorrow, we'll pack it to the gills and forfeit a load of other less essential equipment and stores. Food won't be a problem as Mr. Tesco is going to deliver to the marina, so that'll relieve a whole load of space for the essential essentials. We don't plan to go too far with TQ so the marina should be within a day or twos cruise if needs must. We have an appointment with RCR for a service and electrical safety check (sounds a bit like what I've just had done to my car) on the 23rd, so we'll be back in the marina for that. I hope it's not going to cost mega-bucks like my car has.
The family Stone
3 days ago
1 comment:
I am hoping the same best effort from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing skills has inspired me. Mercury 50 hp
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